
Celtic Society of West Tennessee

It is the goal of the Celtic Society of West Tennessee to enlighten those of Celtic ancestry with the knowledge of their cultural history through meetings, social gatherings, and charitable events.

The Seven Celtic Nations from which our lineage hearkens are Scotland, Ireland, Cornwall, Isle of Man, Brittany, Wales, and Galacia.
Learn More... - Society Links Directory - Society Links Directory A directory of various Societies (ethnic groups, religious groups, issues, family, and more).

Scottish Independence Convention

The Scottish Independence Convention exists to further the cause of restoring Scotland’s independence. Their platform draws together all the disparate groups, parties, organisations, politicians and individuals in Scotland and beyond, who share this one basic, democratic objective.

The Scottish Independence Convention was born on St Andrew’s Day, 2005. Since then they have been busy working for the day when Scots will be invited to vote in a referendum on regaining their independence from the British state. They are an umbrella organization, working to unite and encourage all who want independence for Scotland to meet on common ground and have their say in the growing debate on Scotland’s constitutional future.

They welcome everyone, regardless of party political affiliation, who shares their vision of Scotland being a free and democratic independent state. Your support will hasten the day when Scotland is reborn as an independent member of the international family of nations. Learn More...

Highland Warriors: Kingdom of the Gael

From old long ago on that far away isle, lest we forget Bannockburn to Culloden.

Our colors and tartans still stream through the mind, now a faint memory of a forgotten time.

Echoes of battle, men clad in tartans carrying shields and broadswords, sound their battle cries.

Generations and continents away, yet forever the blood is strong and the soul is highland.

We who remember from Robert the Bruce to the young Pretender.

From old long ago Scotland forever, forever the clan in that dark island land.